Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Brian Williams what!?!

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So Brian Williams made up some story about being under fire while being in a helicopter, when he was overseas reporting from Iraq. So what!?! NBC News says they must protect the integrity of their news organization. Get real! NBC News and the rest of the news networks and organizations don't report the truth. Most of it is all propaganda and lies anyway. They only report what they want us to hear and what they want us to believe is going on in the world. They don't report what is really going on. If they did, there would be mass chaos. The powers that be pick the story lines according to whatever agenda they want to carry out and brainwash us with. Don't believe me? Think about it. Six months ago the story was Ebola. Now, we don't hear anything about it. Is anyone coming into the U.S spreading the disease? Are the scares over? They must be, the news networks aren't reporting on it. Why? We just had deflate-gate. Then, the story is back to terrorism. Now, Brian Williams.

So now Brian Williams is suspended for six months, from NBC. Without pay. What a joke! He makes $10 million a year! How will he survive on only $5 million!?! Oh, the humanity. How can they hand down such a severe punishment? Then what? He'll just come back to the news desk and carry on like nothing happened? We'll see. Pay attention to the coming days. They'll start to dig up more dirt on Williams and drag his name back and forth through the mud. Others will come out with supposed made up stories that he told and he will end up ruined. At least he'll still make that $5 million this year. In that case,he should ride off into the sunset. In the meantime for the next month, it's all we'll hear about. Compared to the real stories going on in this what!!!


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