Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Politically Correct?

That’s right. You, me, and everyone else in the greatest country in the world has to start, if your not doing it already, being “POLITICALLY CORRECT”. Ok, I don’t know about you, but I for one am not really sure what the heck being politically correct really is. First of all, there are not very many things in politics any more as far as I can see, that are correct. Things that used to be very American are falling by the wayside in politics everyday. Republican, or Democrat, Tea Party, or Independent,  there is more party politics, more bashing, more hooray for us, the heck with the rest of you, in congress than I’ve ever seen. American politics isn’t about America any more, its more about which party can do more damage to the other party so they can help their cronies and themselves make money, all the while doing it on the backs of the American People. Disgusting! 

Sorry I got off tract there. I am sure that is not what “POLITICALLY CORRECT” terminology everyone is using means. I believe they, whoever they are, want us to watch what we say. For instance, we cannot say anything in a derogatory manner, whether it is jokingly, or otherwise, that might offend someone about their nationality, race, sex, religion, sexual preference, political preference, (unless your're in politics) color of their hair, the way they dress, the way they talk, walk, eat, sleep, shop, and any other activity you would like to add. Just look at all of the celebrities that have been ruined recently, for making comments that offended people. How about the Washington Redskins, or Cleveland Indians, being pressured to change their logos? The logo didn't seem to bother anyone 15, 20, or even 30 years ago. Seriously! Have we become a nation of people so thin skinned, that we have to watch every little word out of our mouths, jokingly or otherwise, for fear that something we said may just hurt someone’s feelings? I suppose the great Don Rickles, comedian extraordinaire, should be flogged for the words that come out of his mouth. Could they, whoever they are, be the legal system in this country waiting to pounce at the slightest utterance of a derogatory statement. Or, maybe it is the government or NATO that wants us all to dress in white and tap the back of our necks with some kind of mind control device so that we all say and do the things they want. For instance, we even have to be very careful of how we execute someone now-a-days. If, by some chance, that person takes just a little longer to die than he was supposed to, “OH MY GOD” how inhumane we have become. Now, doesn't matter how inhumane he was when he did whatever to whoever, but we have to make sure we are “POLITICALLY CORRECT” in the way we execute. Rubbish! Criminal Justice System. Wonder why it’s called that? Could it be, that the criminal in this country has all the justice. Oops, that might not be “POLITICALLY CORRECT” either. Oh well, maybe you fine folks out there can tell me who, or why we need to be “POLITICALLY CORRECT”.   

Out of Bounds Contributor 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Out of Bounds Exclusive! Sasquatch Sighting?

This photo was sent to us from a reader, who was on a camping trip in an undisclosed remote forest. He tells us that his first night in camp, he heard strange grunting noises and something heavy stomping through the brush. He described a strong odor, similar to that of a wet dog. The next night, he left out some fruit and granola bars and when he woke up in the morning, they were gone, but as he was adding some kindling wood, to get his fire going, the strange odor returned, but he heard nothing. Thinking people would think he was crazy, he said he had his cell phone in hand and ready. He then heard a loud breathing sound, scanned the brush in the morning sunlight and saw something crouched down in the brush to the east side of his camp and snapped this pic. He says he was then frozen in terror and says that he gets goose bumps every time he looks at his picture. He says as soon as he took a step backwards, whatever it was disappeared into the dense brush. He also says, the incident freaked him out so bad, he doesn't want to go camping again anytime soon. Our source says that he has photos of large tracks and is going to send them to us as well. Stay tuned for more to this exclusive story.


Thursday, July 24, 2014

A vacation to the Bohemian Grove: to control the world

Harvey Hancock at Bohemian Grove 1967.jpeg

If you were one of the most powerful men in the world, you would be taking a two week retreat to the most exclusive club in the world. The Bohemian Grove. Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre campground located in Monte Rio California, belonging to a private men's club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a two-week, three-weekend encampment of some of the most powerful men in the world. Scientists, bankers, media moguls, corporate executives, business leaders and high ranking military members meet to decide the world's next moves. Every Republican and most Democratic Presidents since 1923 have been members. Security is so tight, the compound is virtually impenetrable. Try to sneak in and we'll never hear from you again. There is said to be strange rituals and ceremonies. Why would all of these world powers be getting together like this? The answer is simple. To control the world!

Who is making the important decisions on what happens in the world? What do they want us to know? No one person has all the ideas. The ones with the money and power have an agenda. That agenda will be carried out at any cost. There is a plan. That is what is being discussed at these top secret meetings. Who will make the money? Who will hold the power? What will we broadcast to deceive the multitudes? Who will be the figurehead, while they control the power? Do you think there is one guy sitting behind a desk, deciding what percentage the interest rates will rise or fall to? No, these matters are being carefully planned out and carefully decided upon in these secret meetings. Whether people live or die, eat or starve, have peace or war is in the hands of these powers that be. Nothing will happen without these powers gaining a profit. What is being planned next? What will be carried out? What will be the next deception? Leave it up to a vacation by those who control the world.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The "Slender Man" in my dreams?

The latest internet horror craze is the "Slender Man", said to haunt you in your dreams and influence you to do crazy things. He is compared to Freddy Kruger, from the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. He is a shadowlike figure, with pale features and floats around appearing here and there, horrifying you in the middle of the night. There have been murders, one in which teenage girls stabbed one of their friends to death and told authorities, that the "Slender Man" made them do it. People are haunted by the Slender Man and claim that he is real and not a dream. Fantastic. How scary. The problem is, that he is a FICTIONAL character made up on the internet by some guy named Eric Knudson. All of a sudden, this Slender Man idea spawned a whole series of photoshopped pictures, drawings, paintings, videos and tall tales. He is nothing more than a made up character, just like Frankenstein,The Mummy, or Godzilla. There is however a real, much more terrifying presence in the world influencing people to do horrific things and he's not the Slender Man. It's evil itself. He's the Devil.

Every day, we turn on the news and see murders, rapes, thefts and stories of people abusing children. The latest, a mother, who starved her 7 year old son, by feeding him small amounts of tuna fish and water daily. If he tried to sneak food, they would freeze him with cold showers, or lock him in the basement. In the words of my grandfather...."they should have beat her over the head with a lead pipe"! Are people crazy? Are they sick? Yes, but there is an influence making them do these sickening things. The earth is the Devil's domain and we have to fight to do good and what is right. If you believe in the story of Adam and Eve and the fall of man, you know that people are inherently evil. That's why so many today are so easily corrupted and do such horrible things to each other. When people talk about the "voices" in their head that made them do horrible acts, what do you think that is? It's not just their mind. It's evil. How else would you explain it. The world today is filled with pride, selfishness and greed. Everyone is for themselves. Everyone is right and everyone else is wrong. It is evil. There seems to be more bad, than good. The good news is, if you believe, God will protect you from evil. The Devil will have no power over you. The last thing I'm going to worry about tonight, when I roll into bed is some Slender Man. I know the good Lord will protect me from all of that nonsense, even if he was real. If I have bad dreams tonight while I'm sleeping, it won't be due to the Slender Man, or any other fictional character that somebody makes up. If I am tossing and turning in my sleep tonight and come down with a stomach ache, I know it will be from the two giant ice cream cones I just got done eating before bedtime.


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Could this be the "Smoking Gun?"


Wolfgang Halbig: 11,000 page Sandy Hook “script”/ CT State Police gave false affidavits

BREAKING NEWS! Two Connecticut State Troopers have now confirmed to Wolfgang Halbig that an 11,000 page document in his possession was “the script” for the Sandy Hook fake shooting.

Read the rest of the story here:

Hummm, always had my doubts on this!

Fill me up on the GMO's and watch me go!

You watch me go to the grave at a young age. More and more studies are showing that GMO's are bad to ingest over a long period of time. Is it any wonder why the N.G.A. is fighting hard to stop any state that wants to make it mandatory to label GMO foods? Just follow the money, they, like the politicians are in bed with big money Monsanto. If you love yourself, stay away from GMO food for a happier life.

Please take a minute and read the following.  

Friday, July 18, 2014

Border Border out of Order!

First of all I am not going to get into what to do with the thousands of illegals that have been flooding into the country. This is a growing problem which if not stopped with break the back of America as we know it.
The problem at hand is the total inaction of the current administration. Please let it be known that I don't believe it is a democrat problem, it's not a republican problem but an American citizen problem. The dems will not address the problem for they see it as future voters and power. The republican see it as cheap labor and you know they won't say a peep. Obama is just a puppet for the powers to be to remake America and destroy the middle class. Bush was no better letting upwards of a million illegals into the country.

This all could be stopped very quickly be calling uo the Nation Guard and stopping the flow of illegals over night. But I doubt we will see any action of the sort due to it would spoil their master plan to turn America into a third world country. Remember D = voters and R = cheap labor. Heck, Mr rich just laid off 18,000 from Microsoft.
These illegals will not or do they want to learn our language. They are bringing a multitude of new diseases which we haven't seen in this country for a long time. One is drug resistant TB. Also it is going to tax our social programs for real American beyond the breaking point. Our vets and the elderly will suffer even more cuts to their benefits. The programs like WIC will go broke and many of American children will suffer. Remember,these new illegals get free housing, free health care (you get fine if you don't buy) and free food. Oh, did I mention free education?

What is the end game? Who's going to step up and stop this? How about the Governors Texas and Arizona? The National Guard is under their command. Oh yeah it's against the law? There is no law in this land anymore so call out the guard!!

What do you think? Is America seeing her last good days? Is there anyone who will step up and stop this madness? And do you think we should spend 3.8 million on these illegals?

Malaysian Airlines, Mysteries and the Number 7

Four months after Malaysian Airlines flight 370 went missing, another Malaysian airliner has been shot down. Coincidence? It could be. Something is going on and someone has something to hide. Just when the world has put the first Malaysian plane mystery on the back burner, we now have new mysteries and theories to listen to on all of the news networks. Why was this plane shot down? Was it just an accident? Was it a case of mistaken identity? There are reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin's plane was flying through the same skies earlier that same day. Was there a "hit" put out on Putin and was it botched? There are claims that it was a Russian missile, that shot down the plane. Who ordered the strike? Will we ever know the truth? Probably not. Whatever the agenda, whatever the reason, what do "they" want us to believe. Why again, did innocent people have to die?

Other conspiracies center on the number seven. Flight MH17, a Boeing 777, made its first flight on July 17, 1997, 17 years ago to the day it was shot down, in July, the seventh month of the year, on the 17 the day of the month. What do all of these numbers mean? Is there a reason behind the plane being shot down on that date? Is there a secret pattern to this madness? Is there a plan? And what of the passengers and crew? Some of the passengers on the flight were said to be world renowned AIDS researchers, on their way to a summit. Did someone not want them to arrive at their destination? Was there secret knowledge, or secret technologies someone was carrying aboard the plane, that were not going to be let out and kept secret at any cost? What we do know is, innocent lives are being lost in all of this.

Two planes. Two mysteries. Two cover ups. What is going on behind the scenes, that we don't know is happening? What is the next tragedy that will be used as a distraction? How many will have to die? These things don't just happen. Someone is in control. One plane shot down, another vanished into thin air. What is going on? Who is to blame? Do we want to know?


Guess My Momma Raised a Fool

I was born in the 1950's, a time when you had a party line telephone, three channels on your black and white television and most folks had only single car garages. With a dollar, you could go to the drugstore, or the local five & dime and get a whole bag of penny candy. What a great time to grow up.

Why am I reminiscing? I just paid my Time Warner Cable television bill. TWO HUNDRED-SEVENTEEN ($217.00) U.S. dollars! Yep, you read it right. Sounds more like a small car payment. About a year ago, my bill was about $179.00, so I cancelled the Movie Channel and Cinemax, to lower my monthly payment and have not added anything new, but somehow my bill keeps going up outrageously high. Now this got me to thinking about true pay-per view television. Currently, I have three different tiers of channels. Lets call them Basic, Digital and High Definition. Sounds great right? Nope! Time Warner brags about how many channels they offer, but they are the same channels. You really only get 50. 50 channels x 3 tiers = 150. Do you get the idea? Same channel, different tier. What a bargain. Oh yeah, by the way, if you have the high definition tier, you get the privilege of paying more for the channels that you don't receive with that tier. Up, up, up, we go!

Ok, are you disgusted yet? If we are all going to pay for pay-per view television, why can't we get the channels we want to watch? Instead of paying for the trash channels, some of which you can't even understand what they're saying, (don't forget, some peoples trash is other peoples treasure) let us only buy the channels we want. If they can separate the channels to pay for, why not separate them all and let us pick? Back to the 50's for a second. Back then it didn't cost you anything except electricity to watch television, so you got what you got. How can you complain about free? Back to now. In some cities, not only do you have to pay big bucks to watch TV, you also have to pay a "franchise fee". What? What the heck is that? Well, this is a fee that goes to your local community that the cable company has to pay to be the sole cable provider in that area, but YOU have to pay it. Yes sir, no other cable company but the one you're stuck with. Oh sure, there are the satellite dishes if you choose, but then there goes that thing on your roof.

Franchise fee! Sounds to me like a case of "taxation without representation"! I have to pay my local community for a cable company, that I didn't choose, to have service. As citizens, we didn't even get to vote for a cable company. If we have to pay, give us a say so. Well, maybe I should vote it's time to do away with "Time". Guess my momma wasn't the only one to raise a FOOL.

Out of Bounds contributor

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Unreality of Reality TV

You've seen them. Reality shows. Real people living real lives. Everyday normal lives, except for the camera crew following them around. Unscripted, normal, everyday life. Pleeease! "Amish Mafia"...give me a break! This show should make any real gangster feel like a legitimate hard working member of society. And how about "Honey Boo-Boo"? I've had surgery and toothaches that were  less painful than watching that show. Put a Band-Aid on that one. Oh and how about "Real Housewives"? You pick the city. Any real housewife in America should be outraged. What an out and out insult to women everywhere. Then there's "Naked and Afraid". Have you seen this one? Naked people dumped somewhere and they have to survive in the wilderness. Where does the film crew stay to keep warm? Do you ever wonder what they're eating? I bet a show about a naked bus ride would draw more viewers. Have we hit rock bottom television, or what? What is reality? My guess, is that the television moguls are a part of the conspiracy to DUMB DOWN AMERICA! If you don't think so, just watch Bobo trying to find Bigfoot and then tell me I'm crazy. Pleeeease!

Out of Bounds contributing writer

Monday, July 14, 2014

Can money cure AIDS?

The year was 1991 and that November, Magic Johnson announced to the world, that he would be retiring from the L.A. Lakers, due to the fact that he had contracted the HIV virus. Now, 23 years later, doctors claim that Magic Johnson has only a trace of the virus in his system. Can he be cured? How can it be? If he was a man from my hometown, just a regular guy like me, he would have been dead and buried 20 years ago, if not 23! What separates him from a regular guy? His fame and fortune. Being able to "hire" the best doctors in the world and pay for all of the medications that the regular guy could never afford, has kept him alive and could have possibly cured him. The same goes for any disease. Can we find a cure for AIDS? Can we find a cure for Cancer? Can we even cure the common cold? The answer is YES!

Have you ever seen any of those powerful disinfecting cleaners, or hand sanitizers on the market? Some of them state on the bottle, that they will kill the cold and flu virus and even the HIV virus! So, we can make a cleaner to kill HIV, but we can't make a medication to kill it. With all of the technological advancements in the medical industry today, we CAN find a cure. We can save the lives of men, women and children suffering and dying every day with these deadly diseases. So, why are we not. The answer is simple. MONEY.

Our televisions are polluted with advertisements for prescription drugs. They even say, "ask your doctor about" so and so medication. The prescription drug industry is big business and without sick people, they would be out of business. The powers that be will never let that happen. They are getting huge kick backs from these companies. They WANT people to be sick. They even CAUSE people to be sick. If the medical industry came up with a cure for the common cold, all of the cold medications on the market wouldn't be needed anymore. They won't let that happen. If they revealed the cure for cancer, all of the people paying thousands and thousands and millions and millions of dollars for medications and treatments wouldn't need them anymore. They can find a cure for anything. The technology we possess today, can solve any problem. Have they already found a cure for cancer? Do they have a cure for AIDS? 23 years is a long time, when you are supposed to have been given a death sentence. Can money be the cure?                                                                          


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Can they find the Malaysian plane?

I was talking to my neighbor the other day and he was tellling me to watch for the International Space Station that would be flying overhead that night. He then began to tell me how he and his daughter like to sit on the porch and sky watch and that his daughter had an app on her phone, which could track all the planes flying overhead and tell you what their destinations were. How amazing I thought! What technology! On our cell phones, we can track flights flying overhead at any time, yet the world cannot find the missing Malaysian airliner. Yea right. Someone out there knows exactly where the plane is and exactly what happened to it.
With all of the technology we have today, no doubt some hidden technologies, that most of us could only dream of, if we think our government doesn't know where the missing plane is, we ARE dreaming. Why we don't know what happened yet is the mystery. Why we don't know the truth is the real story.

Turn on your TV and all of the news networks seem to have forgotten about the story, yet a couple of month's ago, it was the ONLY story on TV. I bet the families and loved ones of all of the lost souls aboard the missing jetliner have not forgotten about the story. Meanwhile, life goes on and there is a new story of the day. The news media tells us what is important and what is happening, when things that are really happening, get pushed aside and ignored. There was a movie, back in the 80's, starring wrestling legend "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, called "They Live". It was a story about a guy that found out that aliens were infiltrating our society and sending subliminal messages through the news media. After finding special sunglasses, he was able to see the aliens who were disguised as people and see messages that were on the aliens secret agenda. Is this idea that far off? Is there an agenda by the powers that be that control the news media and want to convey what is happening in the world, when in fact, we have no idea? Meanwhile, families and friends are still mourning the loss of the men, women and children who were aboard the Malaysian plane and we are STILL being told it's a mystery. When their explaination does finally come out one day, what will they want us to believe?