Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Have we gone "Back to the Future"?

Remember the Back to the Future movies? When Marty McFly went into the future, in Back to the Future part 2, he went into the year 2015. Wow, 2015! In 1989, when the movie came out, the idea of being in the year 2015 seemed impossible. It seemed like a fantasy world. There were hover boards, flying cars, TV screens with multiple channels hanging on the walls, video conferencing, 3D movies, computer tablets and even wireless video games. The crazy thing is, today in the year 2014, we have most of these things. Where did they get the ideas for these futuristic items way back in 1989? Was this a prediction for the future? Is time travel really possible and someone had knowledge of these things? The truth is, they were developing these technologies back then and we are just seeing them on the market today.
14 Things from Back to the Future II That Actually Came True, and 5 That Haven't... Yet14 Things from Back to the Future II That Actually Came True, and 5 That Haven't... Yet

They say, the technologies being developed today, are 10-15 years ahead of what is currently on the store shelves. As new items come out, they need to be marketed and sold, before they can introduce new products to the consumer. As they get sold, they slowly introduce the new products. Meanwhile, they are creating new and more advanced technologies every day. Do they have TVs that project holograms into your living room? Yes, but you cannot buy them yet. You will be able to soon however. The first time I saw Back to the Future 2, I couldn't imagine having these types of things. Some may say we even have the technology, to see into the future and that is where we get these ideas. There was a guy by the name of John Titor, who was posting on a message board on the internet back in the year 2000  and claimed to be from the year 2036. He claimed to be from a parallel universe, just on a different timeline. He talked of WWIII, the end of Olympic games after 2004, hurricanes, another American civil war and other wild tales, only to have the things he said not come true. It was just another hoax.

What if time travel was possible? What if we could go back to the past? I've asked my friends and family what they would think if I went into the past, to a year before I was born and told them I was from the future, here to visit them. I told them I would be able to tell them details that no one else would know, to make them believe me. Some said they would believe me, others said they would think I was crazy. It is an interesting theory. Ask someone you know and see what they say. What is time? It is just another form of measurement. Some say UFOs are just us, coming back in time to visit. They say, if you traveled at light speeds through space, what would seem like minutes, would actually be years on earth and you would return to be the same age, as others would have aged. Sound crazy? Sound impossible? So did flat screen wall mounted TVs, hover boards and computer tablets, way back in 1989.


Sunday, August 17, 2014

UFO's? Maybe not

I remember the first time I saw the F-117 Nighthawk, or Stealth Fighter, on T.V. during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. It looked to me, like something from outer space. I was young at the time and was amazed by the technology they said the plane possessed. Invisibility to radar and laser guided bombs, made me think our military had some kind of aircraft from the future. Little did I know, that the concept for the stealth program was devised in the 1960's and the F-117 Nighthawk had its maiden flight on December 1, 1977. 1977??? As I mentioned, in 1991, the plane seemed to be something out of a movie. If, this type of technology was around in the 1960's and 70's, what type of technologies do we possess today? With the planes we have today, the F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Lightning, what other secret planes do we have, that we don't know about? I'll bet quite a few. One may be a super-secret weapon called the "Aurora".

The Aurora aircraft is said to have been developed in the mid-1980's, yet there is no substantial evidence that the plane has ever been built, or flown and has been termed a myth. The plane, was rumored to have been developed to replace the outdated SR-71 Blackbird. It is said that the plane can travel at speeds upward of Mach 5(the supersonic SR-71 flew at Mach 1) and there have been sonic booms measured by earthquake survey centers, coming from high altitudes. Weather centers, have even have found unusual contrails showing up on weather radar screens. British pilots have testified to seeing an isosceles triangle shaped craft fueling from a Boeing Stratotanker, accompanied by a pair of F-117 Stealth Fighters, back in the 1990's. What was it that they saw? The U.S. Air Force has denied all claims of the aircraft and have stated that they have done away with any "black projects". Yeah, right. We all know that's not the case.

If, we do have such an aircraft, when will we find out about it? Or, will we ever find out about it? What other top secret aircraft are out there in the skies, flying over our heads every day? Do we need to know about them. No, probably not. I think, that they have planes and technologies that would blow our minds if we saw them today. They say there is a technology called "cloaking", which can make a plane invisible, by altering it's magnetic field. Can you imagine that? Are all of these supposed UFO sightings out there today, actually these top secret aircraft being tested in the skies overhead? They could be. As we now know, the Stealth fighter was developed in the 1960's. It's 2014. What was that strange thing you just saw in the sky? What were those strange lights? Before you start thinking aliens are flying around up there, remember, it could be something like the Aurora plane.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Growing world population? Ebola to the rescue!


The death rate for the Ebola Virus is 90%. There is said to be no cure. Where did the virus come from? Two Americans with the Ebola Virus, have now been brought into the country and are said to be quarantined. Are they? Has anyone come into contact with them? Did they pass the virus to anyone? They say the virus can only be spread through bodily fluids. One sneeze, one cough, could send the virus into the population. Canadian scientists are claiming the virus can become airborne. The coming days will tell the story. Here are a few interesting facts about Ebola you should know.

1. The World Health Organization is saying the current outbreak is spreading faster than we can control it.

2. A study in 2012 proved the virus could be spread between animals in separate cages.

3. The President has given an executive order, stating the government can detain Americans showing signs of the disease.

4. The U.S.  Military has been studying the Ebola Virus as a biological weapon since the 1970's.

5. The CDC owns a patent on a strain of Ebola called "Ebobun"....patent No. CA2741523A1, since 2010.

Why would the CDC want to "own" a strain of Ebola? Could it be for population control? There are claims that the powers that be want to keep the world's populaton at a certain number and not let it rise above that. You may think this is crazy, but think about it. There is only so much to go around. So much land, so much food, so much water. They need to stay in control somehow, and this could be it. And where are all of the world renowned scientists in all of this? Can they find a cure? OF COURSE THEY CAN! But, there is money to be made. Why are the pharmaceutical companies who are working on medications and vaccines for Ebola, suddenly finding their stock prices going through the roof and being bought by all of the rich and powerful leaders of the world. Coincidence? NO WAY! It is a proven fact, that certain drug companies were chosen by the government to make a fortune, just before the H1N1 Swine Flu outbreak of 2010. Where do these diseases come from? Where do they start? Do they just grow out of thin air? Are they man made? Two things are for certain. They can control them and they do have a cure. It depends who you are, whether you will live or die. It's all about money, power and control. Ebola may just be the latest tool to get the job done. What do you think?


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Do you believe in ghosts?

I've never seen a ghost. I do however believe that there is a spirit world, something of another realm, which we cannot see. Growing up, there were a few instances, where unexplained things happened and we don't know what they were. A previous owner of my parents home, hung himself in the basement. His name was Mr. Peterson. One night my sister, while sleeping, felt a tap on the shoulder. She says, that she looked at the clock and the time said 3:33. She turned over and saw a ghostly face. She described it as having a purpleish color, round and pudgy with beedie eyes and round glasses. She turned over, then looked back and it was gone. The next morning, when she told us the story, we laughed and thought she was crazy. We told her it was just a dream. We all forgot about it, until one day, my father was talking to our neighbor, who was an elderly lady, who had lived there for years. For the heck of it, he asked her jokingly, what the Mr. Peterson who had lived in our house previously had looked like. She said, that he was a pudgy man, with a round face, glasses and beedie eyes! That's when the hairs on the back of my father's head stood up.

Another time, my father and I had came home late in the evening and were wathcing T.V. My mother had gone to the movies with one of her friends. As we were watching television, we thought she was upstairs getting ready for bed. We heard someone walking around, the floorboards creeking and thumping. It wasn't until she came walking throught the back door, that we realized it wasn't her upstairs. My father and I just looked at each other shocked. We both immediatly thought someone had broken in and was hiding upstairs. We searched every closet and checked under all of the beds. Nothing. To this day, we still can't explain it. Was it Mr. Peterson again? Who knows?

Just the other day, my wife brought our infant son, downstairs to nurse as he had woken up about 3 o'clock in the morning. We have a monitor in his room. As I went upstairs to bed that night, I had forgotten to turn off the monitor we have downstairs in our family room. As my wife was laying on the couch, nursing the baby back to sleep, she heard somthing rustling and scratching on the monitor in his room. It wasn't me, I was fast asleep across the hall. My wife was freaked out and switched the monitor off. It seems, every picture we take in my son's room, there are orbs, or tiny balls of light around him. When he was only weeks old, he would stare at the ceiling in the corner of his bedroom and laugh and smile. As we would carry him out, he would follow whatever it was he was looking at. Could it be his guardian angel? One, or more of his great grandparents, or great-great grandparents in spirit form, coming to visit him and make him laugh? Whatever it was, it wasn't scaring him. He was happy. Have any of you had experiences like this? Leave a comment and let us know.