Thanksgiving. The day in which we are supposed to gather together with family and loved ones and give thanks for our abundant blessings. We can sit around and relax and ponder the upcoming Christmas holiday and the birth of Christ. Where along the lines did it turn into a sickening freak show? People don't care about taking the day to give thanks and relax. Their worlds are now centered around "Black Friday" deals. They are brainwashed by the news media and corporations into believing they will get the deal of the century, on whatever items they are craving and believing they can't live without. When they get home from the stores, do they feel their life is complete, because they just got that sweater for 40% off of the price that was marked up 200% for the day? What they don't realize is that the stores will have the same prices on most of the items, the next day, week and month. Check the ads sometime and see for yourself. That TV that you just bought for $300 and bragged about on Facebook, because you got the best deal in the universe, will be the same price the very next weekend. Just watch.
And now, stores are opening earlier and earlier, backing it all the way up to Thanksgiving day. Why? Because the maniacs will be out there in the cold, in the tents, waiting in line to get that blue ray player for $29.95. I wouldn't wait in line in the cold with a bunch of lunatics, if you gave me a free TV. Meanwhile, all of the poor employees don't get to enjoy the holiday with their families. They have to be there at the store to provide the hordes with their shopping frenzy. Who is in charge of these decisions? The heads of these companies. All they see is the numbers. All they care about is the cash outs and end of year bonuses they will be getting, all at the expense of the lowly workers, who have to put up with this nonsense. The VPs and CEOs are all at home nestled snug in their beds, with visions of dollar signs dancing in their heads. What will it be in a few years? Black Tuesday September 20th? They keep backing it up earlier and earlier. Who will be the first greedy company to open next?
Our politicians and law makers should put a stop to this insanity. Stores should be closed on all holidays. If you didn't get what you needed before the holiday, then you can get it after. Unfortunately this will never happen. All of the law makers today are on the take. Money runs the world. They will never tell companies not to open on a holiday. They are looking for the kickbacks. The only way to stop the mess, is to boycott these stores. If the day came and no one showed up at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on Thanksgiving day, they would quit opening at these times. But, that is another impossible situation. God forbid people would enjoy their Thanksgiving dinners and stay home for the evening. No, they can't wait to get out into the cold, like a bunch of wild banshees and wait and push and shove and claw their way through the doors of whatever greedy store they have the need to go to. Remember this as you are running wild in some store this Thanksgiving, or Black Friday. Somewhere in a mansion far, far away, the CEO of the store is laughing all the way to the bank, cause the joke is on you.
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