Recently, some cities have passed ordinances, requiring businesses, as well as public locations, to turn their restrooms into "Transgender", or "Unisex" bathrooms. The Transgender community is claiming that their rights are being infringed upon and that they should have the right to use whatever restroom makes them feel the most comfortable. What?!? And our legislators and governing bodies are actually making this happen.What about the rights of the people that want a "men's", or "women's" restroom? I don't want to wonder who is in the next stall, when I go into a restroom. What is this, some kind of free for all? Where are the laws on the books covering these topics and who wrote them?
And where do children come into these situations? What about their rights? What about their safety and comfort? So now I have to let my child go into a restroom, with anyone who feels like walking in whichever restroom in which they feel "the most comfortable"??? So, the creeps and gutter snipes and perverts can just hang out in any restroom they want? Who will be monitoring this? Are these city councils and governing bodies thinking about these things, or are they more worried about what the public perception is? They are terrified of some bogus lawsuits claiming discrimination, for whatever, whoever can come up with. Lets go through a few scenarios.
Scenario #1- A transgender man, who was born a woman, yet identifies as a man, has to choose a restroom. Is he dressed as a man and portrays to be a man? Then he should use the men's room. Right? Especially if he has undergone an operation and now has male anatomy.
Scenario #2- A transgender woman, who was born a man and has male anatomy, or has undergone an operation and chopped the male parts off has to choose a restroom. If she is dressed as a woman and portrays as a woman and especially has woman parts now, she should choose the woman's restroom.
Scenario #2 can become tricky if the transgender woman still has male parts. But why, if she portrays herself as a woman and dresses as a woman, choose the men's room? She would be ran out! With these law makers, we could have perverts dressing up and using any restroom they want without consequence. What a fiasco! The whole gender neutral thing is getting out of hand. Choose one side, or the other. Be a man, or a woman. If you are both, then pick a side and stick with it. That way, all you have to worry about, is who is bombing out and stinking up whichever bathroom you chose to be in the next time you have to use a public restroom.
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