I remember the first time I saw the F-117 Nighthawk, or Stealth Fighter, on T.V. during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. It looked to me, like something from outer space. I was young at the time and was amazed by the technology they said the plane possessed. Invisibility to radar and laser guided bombs, made me think our military had some kind of aircraft from the future. Little did I know, that the concept for the stealth program was devised in the 1960's and the F-117 Nighthawk had its maiden flight on December 1, 1977. 1977??? As I mentioned, in 1991, the plane seemed to be something out of a movie. If, this type of technology was around in the 1960's and 70's, what type of technologies do we possess today? With the planes we have today, the F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Lightning, what other secret planes do we have, that we don't know about? I'll bet quite a few. One may be a super-secret weapon called the "Aurora".
The Aurora aircraft is said to have been developed in the mid-1980's, yet there is no substantial evidence that the plane has ever been built, or flown and has been termed a myth. The plane, was rumored to have been developed to replace the outdated SR-71 Blackbird. It is said that the plane can travel at speeds upward of Mach 5(the supersonic SR-71 flew at Mach 1) and there have been sonic booms measured by earthquake survey centers, coming from high altitudes. Weather centers, have even have found unusual contrails showing up on weather radar screens. British pilots have testified to seeing an isosceles triangle shaped craft fueling from a Boeing Stratotanker, accompanied by a pair of F-117 Stealth Fighters, back in the 1990's. What was it that they saw? The U.S. Air Force has denied all claims of the aircraft and have stated that they have done away with any "black projects". Yeah, right. We all know that's not the case.
If, we do have such an aircraft, when will we find out about it? Or, will we ever find out about it? What other top secret aircraft are out there in the skies, flying over our heads every day? Do we need to know about them. No, probably not. I think, that they have planes and technologies that would blow our minds if we saw them today. They say there is a technology called "cloaking", which can make a plane invisible, by altering it's magnetic field. Can you imagine that? Are all of these supposed UFO sightings out there today, actually these top secret aircraft being tested in the skies overhead? They could be. As we now know, the Stealth fighter was developed in the 1960's. It's 2014. What was that strange thing you just saw in the sky? What were those strange lights? Before you start thinking aliens are flying around up there, remember, it could be something like the Aurora plane.
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