The death rate for the Ebola Virus is 90%. There is said to be no cure. Where did the virus come from? Two Americans with the Ebola Virus, have now been brought into the country and are said to be quarantined. Are they? Has anyone come into contact with them? Did they pass the virus to anyone? They say the virus can only be spread through bodily fluids. One sneeze, one cough, could send the virus into the population. Canadian scientists are claiming the virus can become airborne. The coming days will tell the story. Here are a few interesting facts about Ebola you should know.
1. The World Health Organization is saying the current outbreak is spreading faster than we can control it.
2. A study in 2012 proved the virus could be spread between animals in separate cages.
3. The President has given an executive order, stating the government can detain Americans showing signs of the disease.
4. The U.S. Military has been studying the Ebola Virus as a biological weapon since the 1970's.
5. The CDC owns a patent on a strain of Ebola called "Ebobun"....patent No. CA2741523A1, since 2010.
Why would the CDC want to "own" a strain of Ebola? Could it be for population control? There are claims that the powers that be want to keep the world's populaton at a certain number and not let it rise above that. You may think this is crazy, but think about it. There is only so much to go around. So much land, so much food, so much water. They need to stay in control somehow, and this could be it. And where are all of the world renowned scientists in all of this? Can they find a cure? OF COURSE THEY CAN! But, there is money to be made. Why are the pharmaceutical companies who are working on medications and vaccines for Ebola, suddenly finding their stock prices going through the roof and being bought by all of the rich and powerful leaders of the world. Coincidence? NO WAY! It is a proven fact, that certain drug companies were chosen by the government to make a fortune, just before the H1N1 Swine Flu outbreak of 2010. Where do these diseases come from? Where do they start? Do they just grow out of thin air? Are they man made? Two things are for certain. They can control them and they do have a cure. It depends who you are, whether you will live or die. It's all about money, power and control. Ebola may just be the latest tool to get the job done. What do you think?
We as Americans deserve to have a few questions answered. First, why the need to bring those infected to the United States? We have no one, Military Doctors wether they volunteered or order to, or other Medical Doctors that would take this secret serum as the news put it, to Africa to treat these patients who should have been quarantined along with their families. As stated in your article, the W.H.O. says this outbreak is spreading and at least 1,600 people have died so far, yet our Government and News say that it can only be spread via bodily fluids. Do you really think all 1,600 people knew each other? I don't think so! And what of this so called secret serum. Why not manufacture more if this is all you might have to treat such a deadly disease? I mean if you are dying wouldn't you give it a try? And why is it a secret anyway? As stated, could it really be population control? What a shame. Innocent life that may have had a chance. The W.H.O. should have, if they don't already, Doctors on the ground in these high susceptible areas of the world to combat the spread of these deadly viruses. All I know, if I were a News Reporter, I would be ashamed to report a secret serum. What about this being a TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION? If you cannot contain this virus, then why are you sending it around the World? We deserve better answers.