Every day, we turn on the news and see murders, rapes, thefts and stories of people abusing children. The latest, a mother, who starved her 7 year old son, by feeding him small amounts of tuna fish and water daily. If he tried to sneak food, they would freeze him with cold showers, or lock him in the basement. In the words of my grandfather...."they should have beat her over the head with a lead pipe"! Are people crazy? Are they sick? Yes, but there is an influence making them do these sickening things. The earth is the Devil's domain and we have to fight to do good and what is right. If you believe in the story of Adam and Eve and the fall of man, you know that people are inherently evil. That's why so many today are so easily corrupted and do such horrible things to each other. When people talk about the "voices" in their head that made them do horrible acts, what do you think that is? It's not just their mind. It's evil. How else would you explain it. The world today is filled with pride, selfishness and greed. Everyone is for themselves. Everyone is right and everyone else is wrong. It is evil. There seems to be more bad, than good. The good news is, if you believe, God will protect you from evil. The Devil will have no power over you. The last thing I'm going to worry about tonight, when I roll into bed is some Slender Man. I know the good Lord will protect me from all of that nonsense, even if he was real. If I have bad dreams tonight while I'm sleeping, it won't be due to the Slender Man, or any other fictional character that somebody makes up. If I am tossing and turning in my sleep tonight and come down with a stomach ache, I know it will be from the two giant ice cream cones I just got done eating before bedtime.
Adam and Eve are not evil and we as humans are not inherently evil. Remember, God made them to be exactly what God wanted them to be. For example, free-will and to make true decisions base solely on "soul" feelings. If God did not want Adam and Eve to defy, God would have made them that way. To be robots, per say. God is all knowing, and God knew what they were going to do from the moment of their creation. It was all God's plan from the start. If you don't believe this, well then, you are saying God made a mistake. But we all know he is perfect. Just remember, Adam and Eve's decision to eat from the tree, ultimately help save us all and be forgiven for our sins.
ReplyDeleteThe world today is filled with humbleness, generosity, and caring people. Because, after all, we are an image of God. Have a blessed day!
Yes, God created man in his own image to be good and perfect as he is, but once deceived by the Devil, we all became sinners. Adam and Eve were inherently good, what we inherited from them wasn't good it, was sin. Because of our evil ways, most of the Earth was wiped out by the flood. He almost had to get rid of us all. All aspects of human nature have been infected by sin. We are inherently bad in our fallen state all due to evil. That is why the world is what it is today.
DeleteI hear you on the ice cream cones! Sometime, when I lay me down too sleep, i pass gas. It is such an enormous bed sheet raise that my wife says, "there must be a ghost in here?" I tell her, " I agree, it smells dead!" So, the moral to this story is that I will just blame it on the Slender Man! Thanks JP, you gave me a wonderful excuse next time I pass gas! Your a life saver!