If you were one of the most powerful men in the world, you would be taking a two week retreat to the most exclusive club in the world. The Bohemian Grove. Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre campground located in Monte Rio California, belonging to a private men's club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a two-week, three-weekend encampment of some of the most powerful men in the world. Scientists, bankers, media moguls, corporate executives, business leaders and high ranking military members meet to decide the world's next moves. Every Republican and most Democratic Presidents since 1923 have been members. Security is so tight, the compound is virtually impenetrable. Try to sneak in and we'll never hear from you again. There is said to be strange rituals and ceremonies. Why would all of these world powers be getting together like this? The answer is simple. To control the world!
Who is making the important decisions on what happens in the world? What do they want us to know? No one person has all the ideas. The ones with the money and power have an agenda. That agenda will be carried out at any cost. There is a plan. That is what is being discussed at these top secret meetings. Who will make the money? Who will hold the power? What will we broadcast to deceive the multitudes? Who will be the figurehead, while they control the power? Do you think there is one guy sitting behind a desk, deciding what percentage the interest rates will rise or fall to? No, these matters are being carefully planned out and carefully decided upon in these secret meetings. Whether people live or die, eat or starve, have peace or war is in the hands of these powers that be. Nothing will happen without these powers gaining a profit. What is being planned next? What will be carried out? What will be the next deception? Leave it up to a vacation by those who control the world.
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