Sunday, April 5, 2015

Here Come the Judge!

Image result for free gavel coming down pics

Ok, first let me apologize if I might offend any citizen of the United States of America, including any upstanding member of the legal system, whether it be the Bar Association, or the judicial system. As a matter of fact, I know some very upstanding lawyers who are also upstanding members of their communities. I also have been blessed to know some very fine judges in my community. But and I mean BUT, enough is enough! So, what am I talking about? Courtroom television. For all that's holy and merciful......give us a break already!

Lets count them....

People's Court - they had Judge Koch, Judge Scheindlen, Judge Wapner and Judge Milian.
Texas Justice - starring Judge Doherty.
Judge Alex Show - starring Judge Ferrer.
Judge Greg Mathis Show - you guessed it Judge Mathis.
Judge Joe Brown Show - take another guess.
Judge David Young Show - 3 for 3, go ahead!
Judge Judy
Judge Mabeline Ephriam Show
Judge Mills Lane Show - by the way, nothing but respect for the guy as a boxing ref.
Judge Maria Lopez Show
Judge Toler - Divorce Court
And last but not least, Hot Bench!

What in the world is wrong with people? I wish someone out there would PLEASE tell me how we have become so pathetic, that we have such a plethora of these shows to watch, a plethora of people watching them and a plethora of television stations willing to air them. Does it go back to the Roman days of willing residents so hard up for entertainment that they would go to the Coliseum to see brutal sword fights and lions eating humans? Ok, that might seem harsh, but these shows aren't all that different. Someone has been wronged, by someone who has done wrong, so now we have a television judge to make it right, with some person who has no life watching all of this misery(but maybe feeling better about his own miserable life), enjoying a show about other people's problems. Have we become such a pathetic and hapless society, that we crave to see other people's misery? Do we find pleasure and entertainment in watching other people's sorrow and grief? What compels people to watch these shows?

This brings us to these upstanding judges of our great judicial system. Do you folks out there agree, or disagree that by exploiting these cases that come before them, these judges are making a complete mockery of our great judicial system? What used to be a revered, highly regarded respectable system, one that should be used to punish a criminal and used as a last resort to settle a dispute, has now become entertainment, with judges who are willing to become actors. By the way, some of these judges have become quite wealthy doing these shows. Their salaries are waaaay more than being a Circut Court judge. Judge Judy made 47 million dollars last year. So, if you agree, or disagree with this article, leave us a comment and let us know.

Out of Bounds Contributor

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