Parenthood in 2014 is a much more complicated situation then it was when when I was a young child in the late 1970's and early 80's. Things were much simpler then, as my parents would say it was for their parents when they were growing up. Today, we have to worry about every minute detail of our children's lives. Children's lives are fragile, yet they are much more resilient than we give them credit for. Every time my son, or niece, or nephew falls down and bumps his, or her head, I'm ready to freak out. I shouldn't though, as bumps and bruises are going to happen and I want my little boy to be tough. Once, my grandparents were babysitting me when I was 3, or 4 years old, and I was running through my parent's dining room and came around the corner and gashed my head open on the corner of the hutch! I was bleeding like a sieve and my grandfather doctored up some sort of butterfly bandage to put on my head. I was fine and there was no need for panic. Society and the so called "experts" today try to brainwash us into thinking differently.
Walk down the isles of Baby's R Us and you'll see all kinds of ridiculous items. They have wipe warmers, so that the baby wipes aren't too cold when you go to wipe your baby's butt. Come on! My mother used a fine grade sandpaper to wipe my butt. And she probably kept it in the cold basement too! But, people are buying them. Yeah, I admit, my wife and I thought about it. We want our children to be comfortable today at all costs. I came home from work one day and my wife had the thermostat set on 78 degrees, because she said it felt cold for the baby. Here goes a $1,000 gas bill this month. Once, I came home from work and told my wife to get her coat on. She asked if I was taking her out to dinner. I said no, I'm turning the furnace down!
Nowadays, children are supposed to wear bike helmets. I never did. We never got any sort of brain damage from crashing our bikes. It's getting out of hand when you see an adult with a bike helmet and a fanny pack huffing and puffing down the street. But, when my child starts riding a bike.....he'll probably be wearing a helmet. Parents today are "babying" their children in the wrong areas. How we discipline our children today is an example. My parents spanked my sister and I. I will spank my child. It's our choice. I believe in spare the rod and spoil the child. I want my child to be disciplined. Will it be hard for us? Of course, but we'll be explaining the whys to him with love. Some parents don't believe in spanking, yet believe in letting their kids "cry it out" at night. Coincidentally, they are the same ones buying the wipe warmers for their kids. I feel differently. When they are crying at night and wake up scared is when they need to be babied. Some so called experts say holding your child too much will spoil them. How do you spoil a baby? On the other hand, these same so called experts claim that prehistoric cavemen held their children whenever the child needed comfort, which resulted in them growing up happy and healthy. They would breastfeed their children for an extended time, which would give them a stronger immune system, which they needed in their harsh environment. Maybe we need to go back to that idea. Children today have to grow up so fast in this digital age. Preschool starts earlier, kindergarten is now a full day, instead of 1/2 days like when I was in school. Kids today don't know what a fight is. They have to worry about cyber bullies. It will only get worse.
I will try to instill all of the old fashioned ideas and customs into my child, he'll need them in today's world. However, whenever he wants to be held, I'm going to hold him. If he cries for me, I'm going to get him. I won't let one minute go by, where I'm not thankful to be holding him in my arms. Every moment is precious. They grow so fast. I know that soon enough, he will be up and dressed and walking out the door, not wanting a hug and I'll be left wondering where the time went. I hope these other parents realize these things, when they hear their children screaming for them at night. Maybe I'm wrong. Call me a caveman parent in 2014.