Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Wussifying of today's children!

Each morning on my way to work, I often get caught waiting for a school bus at a bus stop. I've been noticing an interesting trend with the parents of the children. They are sitting in cars at the end of the driveways, streets, or parking lots with their children waiting inside, for the bus to pull up. What!?! My parents never drove me down to the bus stop and let me wait inside the warm car. I had to walk down the street and wait in the cold, rain, snow, whatever the weather was. Furthermore, I didn't want to be seen with my mommy, when I was 12 years old. It was an unwritten code! If the kids in my school would have seen my mother walking me to the bus door at that age, I would have never lived it down. This practice by these parents is I believe, turning these children into wusses. Make them wait in the cold! Now, I do believe that if there are dangerously cold conditions where frostbite can occur, or if they do not want them waiting by themselves for worries of abductions, then I understand completely. But, waiting in the car at the end of the driveway.....come on! The parents in these cases most certainly are wusses themselves and are only teaching lazy and wussy behavior to their unsuspecting children. How about walking them to the bust stop and getting some exercise, or sitting on the porch and waiting for the kids to get on the bus. That way, they are in plain view, where the parents can watch them getting on the bus safely.

Does this seem harsh? I don't think so. We do have to watch out for the boneheads that forget the laws of the road. I have also seen the bus pull up to the stop with lights flashing and people coming the opposite direction, just keep going. Don't they realize that they are supposed to stop. This also goes for the morons that don't feel it's necessary to pull over and stop when an emergency vehicle is coming down the road. Pull over! They just keep driving right along side the ambulance! They should have their tires shot out! People today don't pay attention when they are driving. They are texting, talking, doing their makeup, brushing their teeth, or chomping down a hamburger. Instead of the police pulling people over for going 5 miles over the limit, these creeps need to be pulled over and fined! They, for sure, are the same people waiting in their cars with their kids with the heat blowing, when it's only 55 degrees outside, or standing and carrying on a 10 minute conversation with the bus driver, while cars are backing up for a mile down the road.


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