What would we do without our cell phones? We rely on them to call people, text people, Facebook, face time, tweet, Instagram and whatever else people do with their phones. What would happen if you were out somewhere and couldn't get in touch with someone. I'd bet about 75% of the population would have a nervous breakdown. Now, these cell phones can do anything. You can ask Google anything you want and the thing will give you an answer. Hey Google....what is the weather like today? How deep is the ocean? How high is up? Should I breathe? And now, with Domino's Pizza, you can tell your phone to order you a pizza and it will get one delivered to your door? Will it leave the delivery boy a tip too? What's next? Will our cell phones sleep for us? Eat for us? Think for us? And how many "G" does your phone have? How about the "LTE" part? Do they have LTEF now too? If you can see where you are at all times, who can see you at all times?
Why do we have all of this fabulous technology? Is it all fun and games? Can it be used against us? Sure. Each phone is a tracking device. If someone wants to find you, they'd have no problem. What we say, text, browse and even where we are and go can be monitored at any and all times. Think about that, the next time you use your phone. They can monitor what I am writing right now. How far will all of this technology go? Will it eventually become a negative part of our lives? Has it already? Go to a restaurant sometime and watch whole families pull out their phones and stare and become mesmerized by their phones. All the while, not saying two words to each other. They have to see what so and so is doing, or where they are. And, more importantly, they have to let everyone know where they are and what they are doing. Guess what? Who cares? I don't care if someone just got the Caesar salad at the Olive Garden. I don't care if they just brushed their teeth with some new toothpaste. Instead of a smart phone, they should be called brag phones.
Our social and personal skills are eroding, due to this technology. Will communicating through technology be our only form of communication one day? I hope not, but it is headed in that direction. Kids today know texting as the norm and some will probably think it is weird to simply call someone and carry on a conversation. Technology is taking over our lives. Is it controlling you? How smart is your "Smart Phone"? Have they become smarter than us? Will they become smart enough to one day control the world?