Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Cell Phones will control the world!

What would we do without our cell phones? We rely on them to call people, text people, Facebook, face time, tweet, Instagram and whatever else people do with their phones. What would happen if you were out somewhere and couldn't get in touch with someone. I'd bet about 75% of the population would have a nervous breakdown. Now, these cell phones can do anything. You can ask Google anything you want and the thing will give you an answer. Hey Google....what is the weather like today? How deep is the ocean? How high is up? Should I breathe? And now, with Domino's Pizza, you can tell your phone to order you a pizza and it will get one delivered to your door? Will it leave the delivery boy a tip too? What's next? Will our cell phones sleep for us? Eat for us? Think for us? And how many "G" does your phone have? How about the "LTE" part? Do they have LTEF now too? If you can see where you are at all times, who can see you at all times?

Why do we have all of this fabulous technology? Is it all fun and games? Can it be used against us? Sure. Each phone is a tracking device. If someone wants to find you, they'd have no problem. What we say, text, browse and even where we are and go can be monitored at any and all times. Think about that, the next time you use your phone. They can monitor what I am writing right now. How far will all of this technology go? Will it eventually become a negative part of our lives? Has it already? Go to a restaurant sometime and watch whole families pull out their phones and stare and become mesmerized by their phones. All the while, not saying two words to each other. They have to see what so and so is doing, or where they are. And, more importantly, they have to let everyone know where they are and what they are doing. Guess what? Who cares? I don't care if someone just got the Caesar salad at the Olive Garden. I don't care if they just brushed their teeth with some new toothpaste. Instead of a smart phone, they should be called brag phones.

 Our social and personal skills are eroding, due to this technology. Will communicating through technology be our only form of communication one day? I hope not, but it is headed in that direction. Kids today know texting as the norm and some will probably think it is weird to simply call someone and carry on a conversation. Technology is taking over our lives. Is it controlling you? How smart is your "Smart Phone"? Have they become smarter than us? Will they become smart enough to one day control the world?


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Wussifying of today's children!

Each morning on my way to work, I often get caught waiting for a school bus at a bus stop. I've been noticing an interesting trend with the parents of the children. They are sitting in cars at the end of the driveways, streets, or parking lots with their children waiting inside, for the bus to pull up. What!?! My parents never drove me down to the bus stop and let me wait inside the warm car. I had to walk down the street and wait in the cold, rain, snow, whatever the weather was. Furthermore, I didn't want to be seen with my mommy, when I was 12 years old. It was an unwritten code! If the kids in my school would have seen my mother walking me to the bus door at that age, I would have never lived it down. This practice by these parents is I believe, turning these children into wusses. Make them wait in the cold! Now, I do believe that if there are dangerously cold conditions where frostbite can occur, or if they do not want them waiting by themselves for worries of abductions, then I understand completely. But, waiting in the car at the end of the driveway.....come on! The parents in these cases most certainly are wusses themselves and are only teaching lazy and wussy behavior to their unsuspecting children. How about walking them to the bust stop and getting some exercise, or sitting on the porch and waiting for the kids to get on the bus. That way, they are in plain view, where the parents can watch them getting on the bus safely.

Does this seem harsh? I don't think so. We do have to watch out for the boneheads that forget the laws of the road. I have also seen the bus pull up to the stop with lights flashing and people coming the opposite direction, just keep going. Don't they realize that they are supposed to stop. This also goes for the morons that don't feel it's necessary to pull over and stop when an emergency vehicle is coming down the road. Pull over! They just keep driving right along side the ambulance! They should have their tires shot out! People today don't pay attention when they are driving. They are texting, talking, doing their makeup, brushing their teeth, or chomping down a hamburger. Instead of the police pulling people over for going 5 miles over the limit, these creeps need to be pulled over and fined! They, for sure, are the same people waiting in their cars with their kids with the heat blowing, when it's only 55 degrees outside, or standing and carrying on a 10 minute conversation with the bus driver, while cars are backing up for a mile down the road.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ebola: from Africa to your backyard!

Today, they broke into television in Cleveland, Ohio with a warning, for anyone who had been to Cleveland Hopkins Airport, or anyone who had flown on a Frontier Airlines flight from Dallas to Cleveland. One of the nurses, who took care of the since deceased Ebola victim in Dallas, flew in to Cleveland to visit family in Akron. Now wait. How was she allowed to leave the state? Why wasn't she quarantined? How was she allowed to book, yet board a commercial airline flight and fly anywhere? The story sounds too fishy to me. It sounds like a setup. Do they want the virus to spread? From these recent events, it sounds like they do.

Does this girl have a brain to infect? If you just got done treating and taking care of a patient with a deadly disease, why would you want to go and visit family and friends out of state and take a chance of infecting them? And what about her family? If it was one of my family members and they called and said they were coming into town to visit, I would tell them to wait a while. They could visit me next summer or something. No way! Stay away!

How many people did she come into contact with in the Dallas airport, let alone Cleveland? What about her family members? What about the people they came into contact with? It could spread like wildfire in no time. Who is the bonehead running that hospital? Are they on the take? How much was the payoff? The President was on TV talking about how he met with some of the nurses and doctors who have been caring for these patients and he kissed and hugged them, because he trusted the precautions that they took! Yeah right! Do you expect me to believe that one? Hahahahaha!

So, what about a cure? What about a vaccine? They have one, but will they use it? And when? How many will have to die before they do? Is it population control? Is it a money making scam? Are they waiting for people to get sick and die, so some drug company can sell the new medicine and vaccines and the powers that be make billions? Probably. The coming days and weeks will tell the story. By that time, will we be reading it in our own backyards?


Friday, October 3, 2014

What if?

 The media has a new story every day. Are the stories real? Are the bad guys real? Are the good guys real? What are we supposed to believe? And what about the Malaysian plane? One went missing and another one was shot down. That's all we heard about for weeks, on every news network. Today, it's old news, even though one of the planes is still missing along with all of the lost souls aboard both of the planes.

Today, the news story is the Ebola virus. Now, a guy who was infected entered into the United States on a United Airlines flight. First, he stopped in Maryland, then in Texas. Have you ever flown on a commercial airline? I have. Every time, I come down with some sort of cold, or sickness. There is the same air circulated in the plane's cabin. What about all of the people who passed by this guy in the airports, let alone sat by him on the plane? Who knows how many may be infected, all over the country by now. Could have this been prevented? Of course! Is there a vaccine? Of course there is. For those in control of the situation, that is.  Magic Johnson has been walking around for 23 years, with the HIV virus, healthier than ever. Have you ever wondered how that could be possible?

What's next? What if the Ebola virus starts spreading in the states? Then what? How far will they let it go? Now they are saying there is a way of masking the virus, so health officials cannot tell if you are sick or not. Oh great.  Now, a D.C hospital is evaluating two patients who may be showing signs of Ebola. With guys flying around all over the country infecting everyone, it's only a matter of time, that more people start showing signs and symptoms. Is it all just another media diversion? The media is coming out with the stories. Are they true? They have pictures of the guy who they say was flying around infected. Is he real? Does he really exist? He does if there is a reason for him to. Who's face will be used next as an example? It may just be yours.