Up until last year, I was........the first person that would have told you there was no way I would ever get a flu shot. I saw all of the people, who would get the shot, then come down with flu symptoms a few days later. Or, listen to the paranoia and conspiracies about being poisoned, or implanted with some sort of government tracking device. Well, last year with my wife being pregnant, our doctor advised me to get the shot, along with the T-DAP(tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) shot, to protect our child. I reluctantly got the shots. The evening I got the flu shot, I went home, had a nice dinner, with a few glasses of wine and I was fine. No symptoms. No side effects. No flu. Will the flu shot mess you up? Maybe. I'm fine, for now.
I'll probably get the flu shot again this year. The company that I work for, pays for it and for my family to get it, so it wouldn't cost me anything. Will I be poisoned? I hope not. Will I get some symptoms? I'll drink some more wine and take care of that. Maybe I'll be implanted with some sort of tracking device and "they" will know my every move. "They" can do that already. There are a lot of things out there that can poison me. Our water. The air. The chemicals in the foods we eat. Microwaves. The sun. Hair spray. Soap. Deodorant. Toothpaste. Cell phones. The electromagnetic fields of our televisions. None of these things are good for us. I just named a few. You might say vaccines are on the list too. Maybe. You can drive down the street tomorrow and someone could smash you. Whatever is in the Lord's will, is what is going to happen. We have to give in to medicine at some point. Maybe you won't.
I was blessed enough to grow up with both of my grandfathers. One got the flu shot every year. The other didn't. One, smoked and drank his whole life and got the flu shot every year. He lived to be 90. The other never smoked and never drank. He died at 86, from melanoma cancer. How did he get cancer and my other grandfather didn't? Only the good Lord knows. It wasn't from a flu shot. It could have been from any number of factors. You could die from the flu shot and you could die from the flu. Or, you can get the shot, or not and be fine. What will you do this year?
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