The next time you walk into a store, any store, take a look at the prices of all of these various brands of bottled waters. They are more expensive than the iced teas, sodas, gatorades and any other drinks on the market. What do they make these drinks out of? Where do they get the water from that these drinks are made out of? Is it sewer water, or what? Is it straight from the garden hose? The sodas and other drinks have to be more expensive to make than the regular bottled water. What about all of their ingredients and chemicals? That high fructose corn syrup can't be that cheap! How can plain water be more expensive? Now, you may say that the bottled water is specially filtered, they use reverse osmosis, the water comes from some special natural spring water, or fresh mountain streams. No way!
In our opinion, it's a conspiracy. These water corporations want us to believe that their water is special and pure and we should pay for it. But what about these cheap bottled waters on the market? The brands are endless. Every store in business has their own brand of bottled water. Are these waters straight from the tap? The answer is yes. The truth is, these companies are not required to put their sources on their labels. This year, some companies will begin to state that their water comes from public sources. More than 25% of these companies get their H2O from public water sources. Should you stop drinking these bottled waters because they get their water from a municipal supply? Maybe.
For the prices spent on these bottled waters, you can buy a quality filter and get the water straight from the tap. It will probably be better for you than drinking it from the bottle. The next time you reach for that $4 bottle of water, stop, go home and fill up a glass with your garden hose. You'll probably be drinking the same thing.