Monday, May 4, 2015

Adopt a Television Series

Imagine this for a moment if you will. It is Sunday night and you have your favorite snack in hand along with your favorite beverage of choice. You settle into your favorite chair, or sofa and reach for the remote to turn on the television. Oh, how you waited all week long for your favorite show. Finally a GREAT new REALITY TV SHOW that is worth watching. This show is about REAL people, no staged reality here, just pure true reality. No fake acting, no staged settings, no trained actors, nothing but REAL LIFE television. A television show about something that most, if not all people like and care about (NO, NOT THE KARDASHIANS). What I'm talking about here is a show about CUTE BABIES. You would think that everyone likes to see cute babies, right? Now not only is it about cute babies, it is about HAPPY ADULTS too. Who doesn't like to see happy adults? I know I do, and I'm betting after one episode you will be happy too.

So what is this show? This new series is called AMERICA ADOPTS. It is a television show about real adults adopting real babies, like I said NO FAKING IT HERE, just real people, real situations, real settings, real life. This is a show where TV helps disheartened adult couples who can't have children of their own and can't afford to adopt children have a child that they have always prayed for. What a beautiful show!

Do you know that the average cost in the United States to adopt a baby runs between $10,000 and $40,000 and up? Average cost to adopt from a foreign country can run anywhere from $15,000 to $30,000 and up. Now I don't know about you, but I don't think those costs are very conducive for a young couple just starting out in married life, to try to have a child through adoption. Let's say this couple are both working to save for this child, and both have decent employment, he is employed by GM and works for that GREAT starting wage of $14.00/hour and change, she works for her local government and makes that new starting wage of a whopping $10.00 an hour. Quite a while to save to be able to afford a child, given all of life's other obligations. BUT WAIT! PRESTO! Here comes ADOPT AMERICA television, a series that picks up the tab for adoption with all the advertising money, network money, donations from the generous AMERICAN PEOPLE who can afford it (maybe a PBS series) and even the GOOD OL' U.S. GOVERNMENT. With the help of all involved, who knows, maybe we can eventually wipe out children lingering in foster care. Just the thought of it, wish I was a TV mogul. AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL taking care of AMERICA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL. Look at the dollars paid to some of the supposed reality (PLEASE READ PHONY HERE) shows, House Wives this or that, Naked this or that, Honey you know who, Dr. Whomever, Jerry ? and Judge Your on the HOT seat.


Back to reality though. I suppose if you look at some of these shows, reality is really UGLY. So, if there is any TELEVISION MOGUL out there reading this, please take a chance and make a dream for me a reality for some couples. I was fortunate to have two children of my own thirty plus years ago, and blessed with three beautiful grandchildren, so I know what a blessing it would be for those wanting to have a baby, but can't afford to adopt. Let's make adoption as simple as turning on the television and watching REAL REALITY TV.

Please leave a comment. Let me know if I'm the only one who feels like this, or if I'm out of touch with REALITY.


Out of Bounds Contributor