I was in the grocery store the other day, to pick up some dessert to enjoy after Sunday dinner. Have you taken a look at the conveyor belt at the checkout counter lately? Ever notice the spots and stains and nasty wet slimy spots going around? The same wet spots that you put down your cereal, milk, bananas and any other items that come home and go into your refrigerators, cabinets, or on your counter tops. Talk about gross. Studies show that there all all kinds of germs, viruses and microorganisms lurking on those conveyor belts. Do they ever wipe them, or sanitize them? I've never seen it. Who knows what we can catch from those checkout lines! It makes me want to douse my items in hand sanitizer, or Lysol when I get home.
We have no choice but to let our items run down the counter, soaking in the slime and bacteria. Unless, you want to go through the self checkout. I refuse to do that though. As a famous comedian once said, if I wanted to check myself out, I would get a job at the store. One day, we will have no other choice. The whole store will be automated and the poor humans working there will be out of a job. And try to use cash....forget it. You will HAVE TO use a credit, or debit card. That's what the world is coming to. Until then, I'll have to take my chances letting my items get pulled down the conveyor in all of the raw chicken juice and whatever other swill is splashing around on those conveyor belts. I guess it hasn't killed me yet. The next time you're in the grocery store, see for yourself. If you're grossed out, leave a comment. Let us know which line you chose.