Sunday, February 22, 2015
From Classy to Trashy
1950's Today
What happened to our society in the last 60 years? Back in the 1950's, when people went to the grocery store, they dressed up. Men, women and children wore dress clothes. Today, they wear pajamas, sweat pants and look like slobs. What happened to having some class? What happened to looking presentable? What happened to looking respectable? It has gone out the window. Retailers are saying that the sales of men's ties are at an all time low. Many in a business atmosphere are now going business casual. Why? Are people less fortunate these days? In some cases maybe. A lot of people today cannot afford to buy expensive dress clothes some might say. Maybe they can't afford to buy their children suits, or dresses. Things were booming in the 1950's some might argue. Well, in today's world, some of these jeans and sweat pants are more expensive than a pair of dress pants. You can buy dress clothes in Wal-Mart for the same price that you can buy a sweat suit. Today, peoples priorities are backwards. The same ones you see walking around with the pajama pants at the grocery store, are the same ones with the new iphone 6, shopping at best buy for the 65" screens.
My grandparents grew up during the Great Depression and their parents were dirt poor. My grandmother told stories of getting an orange for Christmas. Yet, in pictures from when they were young, they always looked respectable. Today, people are lazy. They don't care what they look like. Again, this is for the people that can afford to buy dress clothes and choose not to. The many people who cannot afford new clothes, wish they could dress up to go to the store. I'd bet there are many poor people out there who try to look better than some of the rich people do. You don't have to be rich to have class. You don't have to be rich to have respect. You don't even have to be rich to look respectable. Too bad we couldn't go back to a time when most of society had class. As time goes by....our society is headed for the trash.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Friday, February 13, 2015
Valentine's Day Dash! Bring Some Cash!
It's Valentine's Day! Hurry up! Get to Walgreens, or Rite Aid, or whatever drugstore you can find and pick up that $8 card, or $25 box of candy, for your wife, girlfriend, husband, boyfriend, children, parents, or any other special person who you ask to be your valentine this year. Don't have a valentine? Don't worry, it's just another day. It will fly by just like the rest of them. The only difference is, billions and billions of dollars will be spent. If I had half of the money I spent on Valentine's Day over the years, I could pay for a vacation to Hawaii. Restaurants will be jammed, all of the guys will be ringing the phones off the hooks trying to make reservations. Flower shops and greenhouses won't be able to make the flower arrangements fast enough. Maybe I need to have some flower ads on this least I'd get some page views.
Most of this spending will be done by men. That is a fact. To all of the men, all of the flowers, cards, candy and diamond bracelets in the world aren't going to make you romantic. They won't save you. You need to put some thought into your purchase for it to count. Do something thoughtful, write a note with your feelings, spend some time together. Soon enough that bracelet will be in a drawer collecting dust and those flowers will be dead, but memories will last forever. There's nothing wrong with celebrating the day, if it's for the right reasons.
Children need to be taught these ideas too. Parents have to go out and buy cards and candy for them to pass out to their friends in school. At least they can have fun without realizing the commercialism of the day. It's the parents who are sucked into spending the money. They have to, but they can still teach them all of the important things to celebrate on Valentine's Day, like love, respect and family. Teach them the history of Valentine's day and how it started.
Why go out for whatever and fight the crowds when you can go anytime, any other weekend. Stay home and save your money. I'm not going to go somewhere because it's a Valentine's day requirement. Luckily for me, my wife feels the same. When you're in that dating phase and you have to try to adhere to those Valentine's requirements of buying things and going out trying to impress the other person, well I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore. How do I know all of this? I was on both sides. I was just reminded by my wife that I won't be doing any of these things that I've mentioned this Valentine's Day. She's right, but when you put the "OO" in smooth, the way I do, I can do them anytime. This year, I'll save my cash for another day.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Brian Williams what!?!
So Brian Williams made up some story about being under fire while being in a helicopter, when he was overseas reporting from Iraq. So what!?! NBC News says they must protect the integrity of their news organization. Get real! NBC News and the rest of the news networks and organizations don't report the truth. Most of it is all propaganda and lies anyway. They only report what they want us to hear and what they want us to believe is going on in the world. They don't report what is really going on. If they did, there would be mass chaos. The powers that be pick the story lines according to whatever agenda they want to carry out and brainwash us with. Don't believe me? Think about it. Six months ago the story was Ebola. Now, we don't hear anything about it. Is anyone coming into the U.S spreading the disease? Are the scares over? They must be, the news networks aren't reporting on it. Why? We just had deflate-gate. Then, the story is back to terrorism. Now, Brian Williams.
So now Brian Williams is suspended for six months, from NBC. Without pay. What a joke! He makes $10 million a year! How will he survive on only $5 million!?! Oh, the humanity. How can they hand down such a severe punishment? Then what? He'll just come back to the news desk and carry on like nothing happened? We'll see. Pay attention to the coming days. They'll start to dig up more dirt on Williams and drag his name back and forth through the mud. Others will come out with supposed made up stories that he told and he will end up ruined. At least he'll still make that $5 million this year. In that case,he should ride off into the sunset. In the meantime for the next month, it's all we'll hear about. Compared to the real stories going on in this what!!!
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Bigfoot at Home Where the Buffalo Roam?
What, or who could be walking around in the snow in Yellowstone Park, close to a herd of buffalo and steaming hot geysers? Well first of all, it is illegal to walk around out there with the animals, not to mention you would be risking your life, getting close to those buffalo. The second thing is, if they are people, they are huge! Just imagine how big the buffalo are in the foreground, then check out the figures walking around behind them in the distance, just behind the first set of trees. Could it be a group of bigfoot that was caught on the live webcam? What else could it be? What do you think?
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
When Ghosts Attack!
Do you believe in ghosts? I definitely believe in a spirit world and heaven and hell. There is a supernatural realm in which we do not understand. Have you ever seen, or heard a ghost? Had an eerie feeling that there was a presence around you in which you could not see? Well, you better watch out. People are coming out with footage of ghosts pushing people around! Check out this video and see for yourself.
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