1950's Today
What happened to our society in the last 60 years? Back in the 1950's, when people went to the grocery store, they dressed up. Men, women and children wore dress clothes. Today, they wear pajamas, sweat pants and look like slobs. What happened to having some class? What happened to looking presentable? What happened to looking respectable? It has gone out the window. Retailers are saying that the sales of men's ties are at an all time low. Many in a business atmosphere are now going business casual. Why? Are people less fortunate these days? In some cases maybe. A lot of people today cannot afford to buy expensive dress clothes some might say. Maybe they can't afford to buy their children suits, or dresses. Things were booming in the 1950's some might argue. Well, in today's world, some of these jeans and sweat pants are more expensive than a pair of dress pants. You can buy dress clothes in Wal-Mart for the same price that you can buy a sweat suit. Today, peoples priorities are backwards. The same ones you see walking around with the pajama pants at the grocery store, are the same ones with the new iphone 6, shopping at best buy for the 65" screens.
My grandparents grew up during the Great Depression and their parents were dirt poor. My grandmother told stories of getting an orange for Christmas. Yet, in pictures from when they were young, they always looked respectable. Today, people are lazy. They don't care what they look like. Again, this is for the people that can afford to buy dress clothes and choose not to. The many people who cannot afford new clothes, wish they could dress up to go to the store. I'd bet there are many poor people out there who try to look better than some of the rich people do. You don't have to be rich to have class. You don't have to be rich to have respect. You don't even have to be rich to look respectable. Too bad we couldn't go back to a time when most of society had class. As time goes by....our society is headed for the trash.