#1 - You're driving down the road, doing the speed limit of let's say...45 mph. Some creep pulls out in front of you and then proceeds to mosey down the road at 35 mph. Come on right!?!
#2 - You're driving down the road, doing the speed limit. You catch up to someone who is again driving under the speed limit. You keep a safe distance behind them, because they keep stepping on the brake, even though there is no one in front of them. The road ahead is clear, yet they keep braking for imaginary animals that they must see running across the road! Just drive! No one is in front of you!
#3 - You're driving down the road, following behind someone who all of a sudden jams the brakes......and turns WITHOUT USING A TURN SIGNAL!!!!
#4 - You're driving behind someone who has their turn signal on for 5 miles....without turning.
#5 - You're stopped at a red light behind a few cars. The light changes green. The first car just sits there, then begins to slowly go through the intersection. GREEN MEANS GO!!!!
#6 - You're again following behind someone who is for some reason going 10 mph under the speed limit. All of a sudden they awake from their stupor and gun it, stepping on the gas and go flying ahead, like "a bat outta hell" as my grandfather would say.
People need to pay attention on the road. Pay attention to the speed limits. If it's 45 mph, don't do 35. Use your turn signals. When the light turns red stop and when its green go. When renewing our drivers licence, we should have to retake our driving test. That way people won't forget the rules of the road. I'd bet half of the people out there wouldn't pass. Am I being too harsh? Do I sound crazy? Do I have road rage? Maybe the people who have road rage are the ones who know how to drive.